The holistic approach to


The Fabpreneur Project

The Fabpreneur Project is an initiative to support and train newbie entrepreneurs to start and grow their online businesses. Our services range from weekly talks, individual and group training sections.

Goal: Our goal is to provide the knowledge and tools to make the process of starting an online business easier and more affordable.

Mission: Our mission is to shine a light and plant the seed of solo-preneurship to those who have the skills but lack the knowledge of tools and resources available to them.


As I was having conversations with friends and acquaintances about paths to build a rewarding financial future while doing what they like the most, I realized that despite having access to an abundant of online information, it was still challenging to connect the dots to turn ideas into profitable businesses.

With this in mind, I wanted to help others to see their projects with different eyes - more positive ones- and ceate a community with other like-minded people to ease the ups and down of the Solo business owner.

It is my hope to share with beginners and small business owners the challenges and victories I have experienced in almost two decades in the Digital Marketing world. The entrepreneurial journey should not be the one of the isolated one-man show but the road to a more fulfilled and rewarding lifestyle.


All you need to do is to fill out the form below.  You will then receive information on how to join our monthly talk, details of the next training sections and what to do if you wish to book a one-on-one consultation.

Looking forward to hearing from you: